Monday, April 27, 2009

oh my ga?

Hello! just came back from school. Finished dance practice and i'm kinda hyper. Drinking milo! whoot whoot! super the uber hyper...

But i'm losing my hyperness cause i have like sej and geo project to complete..and homework madness is back. Sigh... Oh yeaah! Here's something cool!!!!

SO... when i reached home.......
there's like so many ppl at the back with cool clothes. Some are sitting on the van and some are standing with style. They were singing some song that goes
omega (?)
or oh my god (??)
orrrrrrr. oh my ga?! (???????????)

something like that...but it was so cool! they were waving, smiling, jumping and dancing. and the camera man was standing on his car LOL! They made me hyper again... So yeaaah, thaat's cool. ;)

i'm cool! :D
lol. david archie's showcase ticket. HAHA!!!Found it in my class after mandarin class at some random day, can't believe i still have it :)

ZAC EFRON IS SO HOT, who needs global warming?! :)

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