Monday, May 4, 2009

To my 'awesome' friend William :)

Hello!! :)

i'm gonna dedicate this post to.......
my uberly awesome friend, William -.-

this is william, :)
Okay, first of all. Here are some things you need to know about him:
1. He is awesome. :)
(actually he's awesomer after he met me) tee hee!!
2. He laughs at my COOL & FUNNY jokes!!! :D
hahaha, i know, i'm funny like hell X)
3. He is always bored.... like to the max....
4. He can sing!!! not saying it's better than me.. but he can sing!!!
wish i recorded it, lol
5. He watches totally spies!!!!! well, used to...
but how awesome is that?? :D
6. He owes me lala pics too... i'm still waiting for it.
give me you have it (((:
7. He...likes to chikutehkwandohomework . haha
8. He owes me a soda. (heard that?) :p
9. He is taller than Mr Raj (only when he tip toe, he usually do) hahaha :X
10. Overall he's awesome laa...cause..he thinks i'm awesome too!! :D
Here are some pics of him and his retarddde.... AWESOMENESS
I'm not taking those pics down whether you like it or not :)
i dont know what else to write, but hey i said good stuff bout you kay? ;D
without me, you're just aweso :)
SiewBee :>

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